Freshmen Room Selection

Preparing for Room Selection

Take a tour of our Residence Halls

You're Ready for Room Selection

  1. Your room selection time slot was sent to you in an email. At that time, or later, you can log into the housing portal and return to the Housing Information Form (HIF) process located along the right of the page under "Applications and Forms."

    • Once you have re-entered the HIF it will jump you to the "Roommate Search and Group Management" page.

      • If you are part of a roommate group, you should take this opportunity to check that your group is fully verified (all requests accepted).

  2. If you are not part of a group, or if your group is fully verified, you can click "continue" on the bottom of the roommate page to continue on to the next page (the page titled "You're almost done!"). 

    • Any time after your assigned timeslot you can click "Continue" at the bottom of the "You're almost done!" page and it will take you through to the room selection process where you will choose a space for yourself, or for yourself and your roommate group (if applicable). 

      • If clicking "Continue" on this loops you back to the same page again, double check your timeslot. It may not yet be your time.

  3. You will now be on a page titled "Initial Selection" where you will choose the building in which you would like to search for a room. Click "Select" under the building.

  4. Now you are on the "Room List" page that lists each room with an available space. You can filter by room type, room number, or hall. 

    • Each room is listed by an abbreviated initialism of the hall name as well as the room number. Specifics regarding how to read each room number can be found at the top of this page. 

    • Each room selection lists its room type (i.e. "double", "single", "triple" etc.), floor, and cost. 

    • Once you have identified the room you would like to assign yourself to you will click "add to cart" under that room, and then "Save & Continue" at the bottom of the page.

      • Once you add a room to your cart you will have 5 minutes to complete your selection.

  5. On the next page, "assign beds", you will assign yourself to a specific bed within the room you have chosen by clicking the "select bed" drop down under your name and selecting a bed (there may be only one bed available depending on the room you chose).

    • This bed selection does not restrict you to a certain side of the room. You and your roommate can make that determination at move-in. 

    • Once you have made this bed selection you will then click "assign beds".

  6. The next page is the "Confirmation" page. This is your final opportunity to double check your selection.

    • If you would like to change your selection, click "go back."

    • If you would like to complete your selection, click "save & continue."

  7. You can then choose your meal plan (details in meal plan section below)

  8. After meal plan selection you will land on a "Room Selection Summary" page and receive a confirmation email. Please read both carefully as there are important policy and cancelation deadline reminders.

  1. All members of a roommate group must be eligible for room selection for the whole group to be able to select a room.

    • This means that if a member of your group did not complete the HIF, sign up for A&R, and submit their enrollment fee by the February 16th deadline, then they will not be able to participate in this round of room selection. Your options in this scenario are:

      • To leave a group with an ineligible person and move forward to select a room for yourself during room selection.

      • To forgo this round of room selection and remain in your group for an assignment at a later date once all roommates in your group are eligible. 

  2. Only one member of a verified roommate group will go in during room selection and assign the whole group to a space.

    1. For this reason, you will want to make sure you are in close communication with the others in your roommate group prior to room selection so that you all know what type of hall/room you are looking for and know who will be logging in to make the assignment for the group.

    2. It is recommended that the person that goes in to assign the group is the person with the earliest timeslot. This person can assign the whole group to a space, even if the other group members have a later timeslot.
  3. Any time at or after their assigned timeslot, the group designee can log into the housing portal and return to the Housing Information Form (HIF) process located along the right of the page under "Applications and Forms."

    • Once you have re-entered the HIF it will jump you to the "Roommate Search and Group Management" page.

      • You should take this opportunity to check that your group is fully verified (all requests accepted) before proceeding. The following process will not allow you to assign a roommate that has not accepted your request. And you will not be able to go back and add them once you have selected a room. 

  4. If your group is fully verified, you can click "Continue" on the bottom of the roommate page to continue on to the next page (the page titled "You're almost done!"). 

    • Any time after your assigned timeslot you can click "Continue" at the bottom of the "You're almost done!" page and it will take you through to the room selection process where you will choose a space for your roommate group.

      • If clicking "Continue" on this loops you back to the same page again, double check your timeslot. It may not yet be your time.

  5. You will now be on a page titled "Initial Selection" where you will choose the building in which you would like to search for a room. Click "Select" under the building.

  6. Now you are on the "Room List" page that lists each room with an available space. You can filter by room type, room number, or hall. 

    • Each room is listed by an abbreviated initialism of the hall name as well as the room number. Specifics regarding how to read each room number can be found at the top of this page. 

    • Each room selection lists its room type (i.e. "double", "single", "triple" etc.), floor, and cost. 

    • Once you have identified the room/rooms you would like to assign your group to you will click "add to cart" under those rooms and then "Save & Continue" at the bottom of the page.

      • The number of rooms you choose will depend on the room type combined with the size of your group. If you are assigning yourself and 1 other person to a double room, you may just need to add 1 room with 2 spaces. If you are assigning 3 people to doubles you would need to add at least 2 rooms to your cart. 
        • Once you hit "Save & Continue" the system will warn you if you have not selected enough space for your group
      • Once you add a room to your cart you will have 5 minutes to complete your selection.
  7. On the next page, "assign beds", you will assign yourself to a specific bed within the room you have chosen by clicking the "select bed" drop down under your name and selecting a bed. On this same page under "My Roommates" will then repeat this assigning process for each person. 

    • The bed selection within a room does not restrict you to a certain side of the room. You and your roommate can make that determination at move-in.

    • If you do not see anyone listed under "My Roommates" there may be an issue with your roommate group, and you should go back to the roommate group management page and double check. 
    • Once you have made all assignment selections you will then click "assign beds".

  8. The next page is the "Confirmation" page. This is your final opportunity to double check your selections. It will list both your assignment and the assignments you have selected for your roommate group.

    • If you would like to change your selection, click "go back."

    • If you would like to complete your selection, click "save & continue."

  9. You can then choose your meal plan (details in meal plan section below)

  10. After meal plan selection you will land on a "Room Selection Summary" page and all members of the group will receive a confirmation email. Please read both carefully as there are important policy and cancelation deadline reminders.

  • Meal plan selection for those who assigned themselves:

    • On the page after you confirm your room selection you will have the opportunity to select a meal plan. Choose a meal plan from the drop-down selection and click "Save & Continue" at the bottom of the page. 

    • You will then land on a summary page and receive a confirmation email.

  • Meal plan selection for those that assigned as part of a roommate group:

    • After your assignment has been made by your group designee, you can log into the housing portal and return to the Housing Information Form (HIF) process located along the right of the page under "Applications and Forms."

    • Click through to progress through the process. Since you already have a room assignment the system will take you past the room selection process and take you to the meal plan selection page

    • Once on the meal plan selection page, choose a meal plan from the drop-down selection and click "Save & Continue" at the bottom of the page. 

    • You will then land on a summary page and receive a confirmation email.

  • If you are concerned about choosing the best plan for you, do not worry too much regarding your specific meal plan selection. You will get the opportunity to change your meal plan prior to the start of the fall semester.