Rooms |
Room Information |
Room layouts, photos, and tours can be found in our residence hall pages.
Bed Sizes |
All halls, excluding Miner Village, are provided with extra-long twin size beds. Miner Village rooms are supplied with full size beds. Students will need to provide their own bedding according to their hall.
Cancelling Housing |
Students that wish to join Fraternities, Sororities, Christian Campus Housing: Once we receive confirmation from the house and the student we will cancel any housing assignment the student has. Cancellation fees apply per the cancellation deadline schedule. If a student fails to inform Residential Life of a move to Greek/CCH, the charges for the room and board will not be removed and will be continuously billed to their student account until notice. Students canceling housing can email If a student is not required to live on campus they can cancel before the start of the fall semester (cancellation fees apply). If a student is leaving the university they can cancel at any time (cancellation fees apply).
Roommates |
Students are given the opportunity to request a roommate while filling out their Housing Interest Form or during returning student reapplication. If a student opts out of requesting a roommate, one will be assigned.
Room Changes |
Students may change rooms at any point during the semester by emailing |
Refrigerators |
All rooms are furnished with a refrigerator. Although the University's refrigerators may not be removed, students may bring their own provided they do not exceed 3.0 cubic feet.
Cooking in the Room |
Students may operate microwave ovens with a capacity of no more than 0.8 cubic feet. Hot pots, popcorn poppers, and coffee pots may also be used, provided they operate with an enclosed heating element. Students room are not equipped to accommodate the electrical and sanitary demands of other forms of cooking. |
Move-In |
For full details on first year student #MinerMove-in, please visit our Move-In page. Returning students will move in starting the Saturday before the first day of classes. |
Parking |
While freshmen are not prohibited from bringing cars to campus, there is limited parking available. Parking permits can be purchased from the Missouri S&T Parking Operations Department. Parking permits have a specific parking designation. Students may only park in their assigned area. Violators are subject to ticket and towing by Missouri S&T police department. |
Meal Plans |
Meal Plan Changes |
Students will be given an opportunity the first two weeks into both Fall and Spring Semester to change their meal plan. Students will need to visit the housing portal in order to change their meal plan. Once the two week time frame has passed, meal plans are locked in and cannot be changed until the beginning of the next semester. |
Mail Service |
Each room is issued a mailbox adjacent to the complex's reception area. Mail is distributed each day and is normally out by 2:00PM.
Packages |
Packages are held at the reception area of each complex. Students will receive an email when a package is waiting for them. Those who receive a package are asked to show a picture ID in order to claim their package.
Addressing Mail/Packages |
Please reference our Mailing Address page for specific addresses for Residence Halls. |
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