Each year, Miner Move-In is the first step for incoming Freshman on their journey at Missouri S&T. This year, Miner Move-In will be at Hasselmann Alumni House to celebrate your arrival on campus. Be sure to check-in at Hasselmann before heading to your residence hall. For returning/transfer students, you'll head directly to your residence hall where you'll check in at your front desk.
August 17, 2025 (First Year Freshmen)
Hasselmann Alumni House
8:30am - 2:00 pm all first-year students
August 23, 2025 (Returning and Transfer Students)
Residence Halls
Beginning at 9 a.m.
With the semester rapidly approaching, you might be wondering what you need to do when you arrive at Rolla. Below are the steps you'll take to check-in depending on which day you arrive.
Approved Early Arrivals
Students with a demonstrated need can request early arrival below. Students arriving prior to our official Miner Move-in event on August 15th will proceed directly to their assigned residence hall. Residence hall addresses can be found on the links above. Once there you will check in at your hall's front desk, get your key, and move-in.
Sunday, August 11th
First year freshmen arriving for Miner Move-in will proceed directly to Hasselman Hall during the check-in timeframe. Once there, students will be checked-in to the residence halls, receive their keys, and any other check-in resources. Students and any helpers can then proceed to their assigned residence hall.
Saturday, August 17th
Returning and Transfer students arriving Saturday, August 17, will proceed directly to their Residence Hall for check-in (Rolla Suites residents will report to Miner Village to get their key).
Late Arrivals
First year freshmen arriving after our official Miner Move-in event on August 11th (or after 2 p.m. on the 11th) OR returning/transfer residents arriving After August 17th (or outside of the check-in windows on the 17th) will proceed directly to their assigned residence hall. Once there you will check in at your hall's front desk, get your key, and move-in.
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