Residential Housing Policy

Undergraduate students attending Missouri S&T are required to live in university approved housing (residence halls, fraternity/sorority housing, or Campus Christian House) until one of the following requirements are met:

  • Student completes four (4) semesters living in University Approved Housing.
  • Student completes 60 credit hours of academic work post high school graduation.
  • Student will be 21 years of age prior to the first day of classes for the semester.


Exemptions to the university approved housing policy will be granted to students who can demonstrate that they qualify under one of the following conditions:

  1. Student is a military veteran with two years of full-time, active military service.
  2. Student is married.
  3. Student is a parent or legal guardian with one or more dependent children in their custody.
  4. Student is enrolled in eight or fewer credit hours.
  5. Student will reside with immediate family who has permanent residency within a 60-mile radius. Family member must be a parent, legal guardian, or sibling over the age of 21 who is enrolled at Missouri S&T.
  6. Student has completed three semesters living in University Approved housing AND has completed at least one semester of a full-time co-op, or study abroad program.
  7. Student is an incoming transfer student who has completed at least 60 credit hours and has been enrolled for 4 semesters at an accredited college or university following high school graduation.

Exemptions to the university approved housing policy will be considered for students who can demonstrate they meet the following criteria:

  • Student has a documented health need or consideration which cannot be accommodated in the university residence halls.
  • Student has completed two (2) full-time consecutive semesters totaling 30 hours of academic work at Missouri S&T, AND has at least a 3.5 campus GPA each semester, AND can demonstrate significant and active campus participation in a recognized student organization or significant experiential learning experience; AND has not received a sanction of probation, dismissal or suspension related to a violation of the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations.

Revised February 2024

Please see the Resources and Forms page for details on documentation needed for consideration of exemptions, or you can download a copy of the Residential Life Housing Policy.

Cancellation Deadlines and fees

Date of 



Before June 1st
June 1 - July 15 $200
July 16 - Opening Day (Fall) $400
After Opening Day $600 + pro-rated room and board charges             

Please Note: The cancellation fees listed are for incoming students.  Please refer to the Resources and Forms page for a complete list of Terms & Conditions regarding cancellation for returning students and those moving to University Approved Housing.

Date of 



Before December 1st
December 1 - 31 $200
January 1 - Opening Day (Spring) $400
After Opening Day $600 + pro-rated room and board charges                         

Please Note:  The cancellation fees listed are for incoming students.  Please refer to the Resources and Forms page for a complete list of Terms & Conditions regarding cancellation for returning students and those moving to University Approved Housing.